Post by .magnarock. on May 10, 2007 19:55:55 GMT
"Asleep probably; can't say I blame them, it's only just ten to seven." He rubbed the left side of the back of his neck to try and ease some of the pain, it didn't work so he simply slid a little further down in his seat and stared at the fire.
Post by mely on May 10, 2007 19:59:15 GMT
"so- hows about breakkie then?" asked Kyli, feeling hungry. She hadn't eaten a muffin in, oooh, at least eight hours.
Post by .magnarock. on May 10, 2007 20:02:45 GMT
"Sound's like a plan- I'm starving." He said smiling and sliding onto the floor and then standing up, tucking the dowsing crystal back inside his shirt and robes, it had fallen out as he had slid off the chair.
Post by mely on May 10, 2007 20:03:54 GMT
Kyli caught sight of it, but didn't bother asking about it/ She was too excited about muffins.
Post by .magnarock. on May 11, 2007 17:30:23 GMT
[lol, muffinage. I take it she hasnt seen any of teh dowsing dreamykins then ^^]
[uuh, thread continued in. . ? next lesson? breakkyfasty?]